7.Practical Motor Rewinding

Aim: - Rewinding a motor…
Tool: - wire cutting, spanner, screw drive…
Material: - copper wire, cotton thread, varnish PVL paper, capacitor, screw connector, sleeve…
1 horsepower motor ....
Procedure: - 1) we disassembled the motor according to the earlier motor practical.
2) the important paint is to coil count the turn of coil.
3) the fault was the coil was short circulated.

Observation :- 1) while filling the coil we should fill in one direction , otherwise the motor will not work.
2) while filling the coil there should be no damage or any types of pressure on it, doing that will damage the coil you will damage the coil you will have to rewind the motors again…
Conclusion: - if the coil get short circuit at any point will have rewind the motors again…


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