5.Practical Tube light

Aim: - working and connection of tube
light, and troubleshooting method…
Tools: - Tester, screw driver, series testing lamp…
Material: - 1.50 mm  wire, Insulator tape, Ballast starter, tube holder…
Procedure: - 1) we brought a tube light which not working.
2) we test the supply wire of tube light.
3) we test a tube light using a series lamp.
4) we checked the connection reoffering from a circuit diagram.
5) we trouble shouted the tube light and ballast.
 Observation: - 1) we observe that the tube light was successfully passed the trouble shooting test.
2) secondly we checked the started it was working in a good condition.
3) thirdly we checked the ballast it was working…
Conclusion: - after 1 hour of work we concluded that the problem was with the faulty wiring…


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