1.Practical charcoal from bio waste

                                   Charcoal from bio waste

Aim :- Making charcoal from bio waste.

Instrument :- Steel barrel , steel pipe , match box.

Ingredients :- Bio waste ( 5 kg ) , wheat power ( 500 gm).

 Procedure :- We take a steel barrel and we make hole on steel barrel we put bio waste in it . We burn the bio waste in the barrel slowly slowly and we  cover the barrel with steel plate and put the steel pipe in it .put wheat power for make stickiness we burn it for 3 hours and then after extinguish it and then after that we give it shape like a ball and do packaging .

 Observation :- 1)When we burn it we should keep a steel              plate because if we not keep it ,  will be burn fastly .

 2)  When we burn it the  smoke was coming out but we cant call  pollution because bio waste carbon dioxide  it is useful for plants .

Conclusion :- I learn about how to use charcoal in our daily life .


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